From NYC to MV–Greenmarket Bounty

I went to the Union Square Greenmarket in New York City. Let’s just say I got a little excited, and distracted, by the bounty. I rescheduled my bus back to Woods Hole for 12:15 AM. At the time, an all-night bus ride sounded better than leaving in the middle of the day. More time at the market. More time in NYC on the warm spring day.

The trip home was tiring but worth it. I had the time to explore the Greenmarket and was so impressed by all the products on offer, created by farm staff and artisanal food producers alike. Potato chips, lacto-fermented hot sauce, the pro-biotic-rich Caraway Sauerkraut Juice that I am drinking right now, heritage corn tortillas made with New York State corn, over-wintered parsnips. Today, I am home and eating delicious meals from these goods, because I stayed that extra day. Before too long we will have our own bounty on the island. Things are already starting to sprout up in greenhouses (Slipaway Farm) and the wild (watercress!).

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